I’m a Chilean filmmaker and photographer now based in Berlin. As a filmmaker, I’ve worked in movies, series and advertisements, both for big and small budget projects, in national and international productions, in a lot of different roles. This gave me a lot of experience to understand how the whole mechanism behind a film production works.
Cinema and photography are powerful tools to express oneself, tell stories, convey emotions and create memories. Images, and therefore light, have been part of human culture for a long time and this intrigues and drives me to achieve special moments. From small details that invite our minds to dream, documentary photos that serve to create memories of events that matter to us, to images that allow us to create other realities.
This website and all photographs are © Copyright 2023 Felipe Morales Lifschitz. All Rights Reserved.
The use of any images on this website without the written permission of the photographer is prohibited.
Impressum / Design by José Poblete